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Seven Powwow Insights

This Canada Day, I celebrated by going to an outdoor Powwow at Prince Island Park in Calgary that was put on by the City of Calgary and the Iniikokaan Aboriginal Centre at Bow Valley College.  A Powwow is a social gathering which honours the First Nations culture through singing, drumming, and dancing.  I had no idea of the incredible seven Powwow insights that would come in for me.
Bev LambertBefore the actual powwow started, they had a Metis lady by the name of Bev Lambert who energetically showed children how to do the Red River jig.  She shared that her inspiration to keep on dancing was the 79 year old gentleman that joined her in a jig and even did an Elvis impersonation!

Insight #1 : No matter how old you are, keep on dancing. 

Next a young Inuit lady named Jenna Broomfield shared her passion for her culture.  She performed some throat singing which was absolutely incredible to hear.  She also stated that the only thing that stops us from talking to others is our fear.

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