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A Flash of Brilliance!

Amy Brown Wisdom DeckA Flash of Brilliance!

Besides the fact that I was one of “those” that caught the wonderful stomach bug just before Christmas, I was also blessed in catching a glimpse of something else absolutely spectacular.

This year we were at my sister-in-laws in Buffalo Point, MB and by Boxing Day I had my energy back and was ready to do some cross-country skiing. We looked like we had been dropped in the middle of a Bev Doolittle painting as we were surrounded by birch trees everywhere and the snow was glistening like millions of tiny diamonds had fallen all over it. To say that it was magical was an understatement. As we skied around the area on the trails, I caught a glimpse of the most wonderful flash of blue in the snow and I knew immediately that it had a meaning, but was stumped as to what that meaning actually was.
Upon returning to Calgary, I visited a very dear friend of mine that is definitely a soul sister. I intuitively knew that I needed to take along my Amy Brown Faery Wisdom Card deck. Without fail, whenever my friend pulls one of these cards from the deck, the message also applies to me, and this happened yet again.

She pulled you guessed it, The Blue Faery! The message of the Blue Faery is “Meditation”.
This is exactly what the card said:
“Here is the Blue Faery who offers up the message of calmness and peace. She demonstrates the need for quiet within our daily lives. She shows us that through calmness we realize our connection to Spirit. This connection is always with us. Concentrate on this cobalt blue and feel what it does to your inner body. Imagine a blue crystal deep within your heart that resonates to all that IS, through the vibration of love. You are connected to all creation and to the hearts of all beings, through a beautiful crystal blue grid work of light. Feel the oneness of all that is. Sense the infinite being of your soul. Can you feel your problems shrinking in size? Feel your own divinity! Allow you creativity to flow! With the oneness comes true understanding of the greater mysteries of life. They all come down to one thing, Infinite Love.”

Now, how perfect a message was that for me when I was immersed in nature? I hope that this message is one that is helpful to you as well. I absolutely love this wisdom deck by Amy Brown as every single time I pull a card, or one of my friend’s does, the message is always bang on. If you are interested in purchasing this deck, the ISBN number is 0-9744612-3-7 and is available on Amazon.
Here’s sending loads of faery magic your way!
Have a fabulous and most enchanting day.

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