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Jewel of the SeaHere is the full description of The Jewel of the Sea Card from The Faery Wisdom Deck by Amy Brown that I pulled this morning. It is a great reminder for each of us to look at this world and our life with the wide-eyed wonderment and innocence of a child.
“The mysteries of the sea expand our awareness into the mysteries of life. The sea is a reminder that there is much we still do not know about our own world.
Allow yourself to open up to the unknown and to explore the depths. Dive deeply into your exploration of life. Do not sit on the side lines. Become active and a participant. Get out and begin the journey NOW. Read and study the ancient knowledge and learn to tap into the wisdom which is in everything around you. Become AWARE in all that you do. At the same time KNOW that the world and your life are unfolding as they should. Let this mermaid guide you to the jewels that lie within. Water is representative of the astral water..the STUFF from which all in existence is formed.
It is our essence. Earthly water is used as a sacrament to bless us. Salt water purifies and heals. The seas are deep and mysterious just as is our essential being. There is much we do not know about the sea and about ourselves. If you could journey to the very depths of your being, what treasures would you find? The journey is there for you to take. And a blessed journey it is! Go ahead…find the jewels that live within your depths. Bring them to the surface to examine and to hold up to the light of day. It is in this light that you are able to see all the facets that await
your exploration. See how beautifully they reflect! Every time that you immerse yourself in water, whether it be bathing or swimming, visualize its purifying and healing properties sinking deep into your aura and body. If you are showering, visualize any negative thoughts and feeling washing right off your body and down the drain. There they can be transmuted into creative
energy for good, by Mother Earth.

The Chant
Great Spirit: Allow that which dwells within me to expand and to grow in knowledge and in
wisdom. Show me the mysteries that have been placed around and within me, and help me to understand their meaning and their message. Guide me on my journey and help me to stay attuned to my path. As I journey, I know that I am safe and that you will light the way for

Shine your light brightly and live your wildest dreams.
Sending sunshine and faery magic,

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