This morning, I went to the Independent Publishers Association of Canada IPAC meeting http://www.ipac-calgary.ca/ and had the honour of hearing the guest speaker, Suze Casey.
After a 20 year teaching career, Suze followed her passion by opening her practice, Belief Re-patterning, based in Calgary. http://www.beliefrepatterning.com Suze also went from being a writer, to a self-published author to a published author with Hay House in April of 2012. Her book is called Belief Re-patterning®: the Amazing Technique for “Flipping the Switch” to Positive Thoughts. http://www.suzecasey.com/ Suze also hosts a show on HayHouse Radio.com every Thursday that boasts over 20,000 listeners per show. http://www.hayhouseradio.com/hosts.php?author_id=728
As John Breeze who introduced her so eloquently stated, “You don’t meet Suze, you experience her.”
Suze introduced us first to Belief Re-Patterning. One question she posed was, “If you spoke to your friends the way you spoke to yourself, how many friends would you have?”
Our subconscious can sabotage us if we do not get it under control. Suze emphasized how if you are not getting what you want in your life, you are not saying things correctly. For example, feel the difference between these two statements:
- I am going to work toward getting this project done.
2. I am doing this project.
Suze quoted the sage wisdom of Yoda, “Do or do not, there is no try.”
Another thing she reinforced is the importance of surrounding yourself with people that support you on your path. They are the ones helping to keep you on purpose and aligned with your passion. It is so important to treat these people like gold.
Suze also stressed the importance of being “you.” It is important to not try to be like anyone else. Only you can do what you do. If you do what you are passionate about, you will be on purpose and on path and it will feel really good.
Suze gave two book suggestions which included:
- Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World– by New York Times Best Selling Author, Michael Hyatt http://michaelhyatt.com/
- Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power of Strategic Synchronicity

One other quick tip that Suze gave me when I was purchasing her books is how important it is to express gratitude to ourselves for various projects or accomplishments we have taken on. It is all part of the positive self-talk process and the balancing of giving and receiving.
Suze’s talk was absolutely uplifting and exactly what I needed to hear for keeping me on path for following my passions. Suze truly walks her talk. She is entertaining, authentic, and inspiring. I am so looking forward to reading her books. In gratitude to you, Suze Casey, for all that you are doing in following your passion and educating others on how to turn their inner critic into their inner coach.
Sending sunshine,